
Showing posts from March, 2019

Week 10 Lab: TED Talks: Stories and Storytelling

(A picture of a TED Talk stage from the audiences view.  Photo by TEDx Sydney )  For story lab this week, I have chosen to watch the Stories and Storytelling TED Talks . The first video, The Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was really fascinating. That talk discussed the problems of the single story. One problem was that single stories lead to misunderstandings. The second problem with the single story was that it made people lose some of their dignity. I thought this was a super interesting topic. This video made me reflect on any misconceptions I may have of other countries, states, or people due to reading the same types of books that were basically all just a single story. I really enjoyed the first video. The second video was Imaginary Friends and Real-World Consequences: Parasocial Relationships by Jennifer Barnes. This was also an interesting topic. It took a psychology standpoint, which I thou...

Reading Notes: Epified: Krishna, Part B

(A Man Dressed as Krishna. Photo by Pranav Bhasin) Part B An Overview of What Happened in the Second Half of Krishna's Story The second half of the story starts with Brahma witnessing Krishna, a god, sharing his food off the same plate with his friends. The Brahma set up a test for Krishna, which displayed that Krishna was a very humble person. Hastin was a wild, mean cow. Everyone was scared of this cow except for Krishna. Krishna set up a plan to play his flute and feed to cow for a month. At the end of the month, Krishna rode the cow into the city, and all the people of Vrindavan were shocked at the miracle. Krishna wanted to marry Radha, but his parent were not excepting of that proposal. Krishna's father took him to Gargacharya. Gargacharya told Krishna that his destiny was not to marry Radha, and he also revealed the truth about Krishna's birth parents.  Kamsa got back to his mission of trying to kill Krishna, so he sent Akrur to persuade Krishna to go ...

Reading Notes: Epified: Krishna, Part A

For this week's reading, I chose to watch the Krishna story through YouTube videos. I chose to do this because I felt like this option would give me a good overview and understanding of the Krishna story to begin with.   Part A A Summary of the First Half of the Krishna Story To begin, Krishna had enemies before he was ever born, and throughout his childhood as well, but he eventually became a king. Krishna's story started with the birth of the Pandava brothers. Kamsa the King of Mathura found out his cousin, Devaki, and her husband, Vasudev's eighth child would be responsible for his death, so he attempted to kill Devaki and Vasudev, however, Kamsa's sister pleaded with him and the couple ended up in jail. Kamsa killed the first six children birthed by Devaki. The seventh child was "transferred" to another woman's uterus. Devaki's eighth child was born a god and was never to be harmed. Vasudev took his eighth son and walked free of the u...

Tech Tip: Canvas Calendar EC

(A photo of my Canvas Calendar. A screenshot by me, Hannah Mulder.) In this Tech Tip, I learned how to add an event in my own personal calendar on canvas for unofficial due dates.  I also added my Canvas calendar into my Google calendar. I did not know you could do so much with the Canvas calendar; I always just thought it was there for only official due dates of class assignments. It was interesting and helpful to find out I could add my own dates into the calendar and combine it with the other platforms of calendars that I use more often.   

Week 9 Review

(A photo of a watch, which to me represents time is ticking and we are getting closer and closer to the end of the semester.  Photo by Daniel Estival ) This week I have backed up my portfolio website and my blog. As of right now I am still on track to get the grade I desire at the end of the semester.  My favorite graphic this week was from Wednesday's announcement . It was under the writing section of the announcement. The photo said, "Writing does not have to be perfect to be wonderful." I think it was a nice little reminder that just because I am not the best writer does not mean I cannot produce great works in this class. The video I liked the most this week was also from  Wednesday's announcement . The video I watched was called Manish Vyas, about Santoor . I like to use the announcements as a way to learn more about the Indian culture. This video was about an ancient musical instrument with Indian origins. The video exp...

Week 9 Story: Another Sweetwater River Incident

(A photo of the "hangout" in the Riverdale T.V. series.  Photo provided by Wikipedia )  Another Sweetwater River Incident Jughead and Betty were sitting on the riverbank. They were swimming and having a picnic. They were enjoying each other’s company, when the Ghoulies appeared out of thin air. The Ghoulies ganged up multiple to one on Jughead. Before Jughead got to beat up he caringly pushed and ordered Betty to stay out of the violence. Betty backed away from the outbreak, but not before she grabbed her phone. Betty knew Jughead did not stand a chance when there was only one of him and at least fifteen Ghoulies, so she called in reinforcements. Jughead was nearly knocked completely out by the end of the attack, or at least what Betty thought was the end, he was hanging on by a thread. Even though Jughead was barely conscious, he was not strong enough to fight for himself. At that point his future was not looking good.  The Ghoulies knew that Jughe...

Reading Notes: Epified: Mahabharata Videos, Part B

Epified: Mahabharata Videos Part B A Summary of What Went Down We started where we left on in part A. Kunthi had a big secret. That secret was that she had a long-lost son that she put in basket and sent it down a river. Pandu, Kunti, and Madri retreated to the forest. Pandu was hunting one day and shot a hermit couple. The hermit man cursed Pandu. The curse was that Pandu would die if he had intimate relations with a woman. Kunti uses her gift to call upon god to bear children. Kunti has 3 sons of her own and called upon the god sone last time to give Madri her twin sons. Pandu dies of his curse, leaving Kunthi with the 5 sons. Gandhari's first pregnancy ended up as an abiotic lump instead of a child. The lump was taken and split into 100 pieces, which turned into Gandhari's 100 sons. Kunti and the Pandavas returned to the kingdom, this made Duryodhan angry. Duryodhan decided he was going to poison the Pandava brothers. Only...

Reading Notes: Epified: Mahabharata Videos, Part A

Epified: Mahabharata Videos I chose this "reading" because I am  visual learner and knew that this version would allow me to get a better understanding of The Mahabharata. Part A An overview of The Mahabharata It is the story of the Spirit of India. The whole thing is about how karma works. The idea everything happens because of previous events. A Summary of the Stories Bhishma is the long lost son of King Shantanu. King Shantanu goes back to the Ganga to find his son years later, therefore, Bhishma was grown. King Shantanu fell in love with a fisherman's daughter, but the fisherman refused to allow King Shantanu to marry his daughter. Bhishma vowed that he would never marry or sire any children, so his father could be happily married. One of Bhishma's brothers passed away leaving only one of them left to sire an heir, so Bhishma kidnaps three princesses from a different kingdom to become the wives of his one remaining brother. One of the princesses,...

Tech Tip: Canvas notifications EC

(A picture of a random phone notification.  Photo by Tim Wilson ) For my last tech tip, I downloaded the Canvas app after deleting it because it was glitching last semester and would not let me sign in. I have the Canvas notifications turned off because I personally hate my phone blowing up constantly, and I get the same notifications through my OU email. Not having the notifications on is just my preference when it comes down to it. However, I do check canvas multiple times a day to see if I have missed anything that did not come through as an email notification.

Week 8 Review

I have backed up my website and blog to my computer. I am also still on track to make the grade I want at the end of the semester.  My favorite graphic this week was from the announcement on Thursday . It was in the growth mindsets cat section. I honestly did not really find a graphic this week that was truly my favorite, so I chose my favorite cat picture because cats are cute! (Just a photo of a cat for my enjoyment.  Photo by Neverending September ) The video I chose this week was on Saturday's announcement . The video was called " Ma - The Mother Goddess ." This video explained how the Mother Goddess in a big cultural symbol in India. She represents many things and has big presence.

Week 8 Progress

(A picture that encompasses the theme of this blog post.  Photo by Alexander Baxevanis ) As of right now, I am happy with my grades in this class. I am usually about a week ahead of schedule by the end of each week. I have achieved this by taking advantage of the extra credit opportunities. I am not going to lie, I have not really stuck to my schedule too well, but I just have such a different schedule from week to week, so it is hard for me to stick to one specific schedule. Lately, I have been trying to work ahead of my personalized schedule. My favorite assignments in this class are probably the writings. I am not a good writer, but I have found myself enjoying writing and using my creativity.  For the second half of the semester, I plan to get ahead of schedule during spring break. I am taking some difficult science classes this semester, so I am going to take advantage of the opportunity to get ahead in this class while I can, so I can focus on my science c...

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

I think the feedback I am getting from my peers is great, I think we are all trying our best to help each other improve. I think my favorite feedback is when people ask me questions to think about. These questions make me consider things differently and sometimes they spark new ideas. I also love it when people comment my typos. I feel like I probably should be embarrassed about publishing something with typos, but for me whether I read it over and over or read it out loud or do both at the same time I still tend to miss things because I know what I meant to say and might just pass over the issues.  I think the feedback I am giving is decent. I am not a great writer and am trying to get better myself, so I am trying to leave constructive criticism for my peers. I have found that following the WWW and TAG methods are really helpful. I think I am leaving good feedback all in all. I think the blog comments do give me a sense of getting to know my classmates. For example, on m...

Week 8 Reading and Writing

I have looked over my blog and website to review the current designs and layouts. For my blog, I have slowly changed and added things to make it look how I want it to and look good as well. I think I have changed the theme two or three times, and I have finally settled on the current theme because I love the colors and floral design. Floral designs are very much me, so I love it! In the sidebar, I have added two countdown widgets and a weather widget. I recently just moved the countdowns from the top of the sidebar to below my profile in the sidebar, now it looks way better. Overall, I am really happy with my blog design and layout. For my portfolio website, I tried to go for a simpler theme. My background is white and clean. However, I have gone through several different banner pictures for the homepage, but I think I have finally settled on one. For the two stories, I knew exactly which banner photos I wanted to use, but on the second one I actually had to take and edit the photo to ...

Week 7 Review

(This picture represents another week's passing.  Photo by Chris Campbell ) This week I have backed up my blog and website. I have also reviewed my grades and the grade sheet. I am still on track to receive my desired grade at the end of the semester. My favorite graphic this week was from the blog stream section on Thursday's announcement . It was a pug floating in the pool, with the text sometimes you just have to chill. Isn't that the truth? The video I chose this week was from Saturday's announcement . It was called The Myth of the Missing Half . It was an interesting video to say the least. The theory presented was kind of bizarre, but intriguing nonetheless. I suggest y'all just go watch if for yourselves. It is a very short video.