Reading Notes: 7 Secrets of the Goddess, Part A
- Gaia's Secret: Male Anxiety is Outdated
- Parts 1 and 2
- The Messages within the Story
- Gaia is the Earth mother.
(A picture that sort of represents the concept of Earth mother. Photo by Gravityx9)
- Males used to have to compete for females to the extent of fighting and killing each other for a woman's attention.
- Over the years the status of women has been degraded. Women used to not be rejected or taken advantage of.
- Men eventually decided that rejecting women would protect themselves.
- In the beginning of time both genders owned their bodies, but over time men took over and began to degrade women.
- The Big Takeaway: Women were once independent and free of men and owned their bodies, however, over time things have changed and men now "own" women.
- The video talked about these issues that arose within the Indian culture and all over the world. To really get the messages through they told bits and pieces of Indian epics throughout the video.
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