Week 3 Review

(This week is in the rear view. 

It is the end of week 3. I have backed up my blog to my computer. I have reviewed my progress in class, and I am on track to get the grade I want at the end of the semester. 

For the video off of the daily announcement, I chose to watch Hallelujah - Karsh Kale feat Shilpa Rao, which was on the Wednesday, January 30 announcement. I chose to watch this video because I love this song, and I have heard so many versions of it, and they are all so beautiful, so why not watch and listen to a new version? It is always good to expand my horizons. My final take on it was, that the song was sang absolutely beautiful, just like all the other versions I have watched and listened to.

My favorite picture from this week came from the Saturday, February 2 announcement. It was a meme about cats and a palindrome! I found this my favorite because my name is a palindrome, and they aren't that common, so it is always fun to learn about new ones. It is the first picture on the main blog post. 


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