Week 6 Lab: Overview of Mythology

(Just a simple picture of the whole theme of this blog. 

For story lab this week, I have chosen to watch three crash course videos. These are my note over the three videos.

  • What is a Myth?
    • This video was about how it is hard to define exactly what a myth is because myths are very complex.
    • Characteristics of a myth:
      • A myth is a story.
      • A myth usually involves a very important topic.
      • A myth has survived being passed from generation to generation.
      • A myth is usually about the creation of the world as we know it.
    • Mythology is basically a huge jumble of theories.
  • Theories of Myth
    • This video reviewed different people throughout history, who have created a theory on mythology, which are still believed today.
    • Here are some of the those theories:
      • Plato believed myths were lies, and also said the myths about gods are absolutely unrealistic.
      • Euhemerus believed that myths were just the way for the people who lived before him to explain things that they did not understand.
      • Joseph Campbell believed myths were created for people to find themselves and their purpose in the world.
    • Anthropology is a pretty big part of mythology.
    • Mythology is not about everybody seeing the same thing; it is about interpreting them on our own and gaining something personal.
  • The Hero's Journey and the Monomyth
    • This video explains Joseph Campbell's Monomyth theory (The Hero's Journey) and then an example was given. 
    • The Monomyth (The Hero's Journey)
      • This theory basically said that all myths about heroes follow the same plot. There are three main parts to the monomyth.
        1. The hero separates from the world they know. There are also five sub-parts of this main point.
        2. The hero goes through trials and victories. There are six sub-parts within this part.
        3. The hero returns home. There are six sub-parts in this section.
    • Monomyth Example:
      • There were 7 teenage girls, who were transiting out of childhood. They believed they needed to gain control over their hunger, pain, and fear to do so.
      • Their elders gave them challenges to gain control of their hunger, pain, and fear.
      • They passed all the tests in the end, and they became stars (literally).
    • In a sense, we are all heroes.


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