My First Thoughts on the Weekly Assignments

(A student walking through a library. 

My first impressions of this class is that it is going to be a fun and interesting journey. I thought this of the course because of the unique grading method, all of the extra credit, and the ability to finish early. This is unlike any class I have taken a at junior college or at OU. I think this class is going to be a great experience. I have also never blogged before, but I have found that I am enjoying blogging. 

For the assignments, I think I am the most excited for the readings and the blog comments. I am excited for the readings because I have never studied any country outside of the German speaking countries and America of course, and I am thrilled to learn about a new country and its culture. I am excited to do the blog comments because I think it will be fun to get to know and interact with other people in the class.


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